Johnson & Johnson Consumer (Hong Kong) Limited respects your privacy and wants you to be familiar with how we collect, use, and disclose information. This Privacy Policy describes our practices in connection with information that we or our service providers collect through the website or application (hereinafter the “Service”) operated and controlled by us from which you are accessing this Privacy Policy. We encourage you to read the full Privacy Policy before using this Service or providing any personal information. By providing personal information to us or by using the Service, you acknowledge that you have read and understand this Privacy Policy.

Johnson & Johnson Consumer (Hong Kong) Limited相當尊重您的隱私,並希望您瞭解我們如何收集、使用及揭露資訊。此隱私權政策說明我們或我們的服務提供商如何運用這些透過我們所營運/控制的網站或應用程式所收集的資訊(下稱「服務」或「本服務」)。我們鼓勵您在使用本服務或提供任何個人資訊之前先閱讀完整的隱私權政策。 向我們提供個人資訊或使用本服務,即表示您已閱讀並同意本隱私權政策。

If your Digital Asset is directed to adults (including if it permits adults to provide information about their children.


USE BY MINORS 未成年人使用限制

The Service is not directed to individuals under the age of 18, and we request that these individuals not provide personal information through the Service. If your child has submitted Personal Information and you would like to request that such Personal Information be removed, please contact us as explained below under Contacting Us.


Or, if your Digital Asset is directed to teenagers or children:



An individual under the age of 18 may use the Service only with the prior consent of his or her parent or legal guardian.  Instructions for obtaining your parent’s or legal guardian’s consent are given on the Service. 




We may ask you to submit personal information in order for you to benefit from certain features (such as newsletter subscriptions, tips/pointers, or order processing) or to participate in a particular activity (such as sweepstakes or other promotions). You will be informed what information is required and what information is optional.


We may combine the information you submit with other information we have collected from you, whether on- or offline, including, for example, your purchase history. We may also combine it with information we receive about you from other sources, such as other Kenvue affiliates, publicly available information sources (including information from your publicly available social media profiles), and other third-party information providers.


記錄)。我們亦可能將其與我們從其他資源(例如其他Kenvue 公司關係企業)、 公開的資訊來源(包括您的公開社交媒體設定檔的資訊),以及自第三方獲得的資訊進行整合。

If you submit any personal information relating to another individual to us, you represent that you have the authority to do so and to permit us to use the information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.




Unless we specifically request or invite it, we ask that you not send us, and you not disclose, any sensitive personal information (e.g., Social Security numbers, information related to racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religion or philosophical beliefs, health or medical condition, sex life or sexual orientation, criminal background, or trade union membership, or biometric or genetic data for the purpose of uniquely identifying an individual) on or through the Service or otherwise directly to us.




We and our service providers may automatically collect and use information in the following ways as you navigate around the Service:


Through your browser: Certain information is collected by most browsers, such as your Media Access Control (MAC) address, computer type (Windows or Mac), screen resolution, operating system name and version, and Internet browser type and version. We may collect similar information, such as your device type and identifier, if you access the Service through a mobile device.  We use this information to ensure that the Service functions properly.

透過您的瀏覽器:透過多數瀏覽器收集特定資訊,比如您的媒體存取控制 (MAC) 地址、電腦類型(Windows 或 Mac)、螢幕解析度、作業系統名稱及版本和網際網路瀏覽器類型及版本。如果您透過行動裝置使用本服務,我們亦可能收集類似的資訊,例如您的裝置類型和識別碼。我們利用這些資訊以確保本服務各項功能得確實運作。

Using cookies: Cookies are pieces of information stored directly on the computer you are using. Cookies allow us to collect information such as browser type, time spent on the Service, pages visited, and language preferences. We and our service providers use the information for security purposes, to facilitate navigation, display information more effectively, and to personalize your experience while using the Service. We also use cookies to recognize your computer or device, which makes your use of the Service easier, such as to remember what is in your shopping cart. In addition, we use cookies to gather statistical information about Service usage in order to continually improve its design and functionality, understand how individuals use it, and to assist us with resolving questions regarding it. Cookies further allow us to select which of our advertisements or offers are most likely to appeal to you and display them while you are on the Service. We may also use cookies in online advertising to track consumer responses to our advertisements.

使用 cookies:Cookies 是直接儲存在您使用的電腦上的資訊片段。使用 cookies,我們可以收集相關資訊,例如瀏覽器類型、使用本服務的時間、造訪的網頁,以及語言首選項。我們和我們的服務提供商將資訊用於安全目的,以提高導航性能,更有效地顯示資訊,並在您使用本服務時實現個人化體驗。我們亦使用 cookies 以識別您的電腦或裝置,讓您能輕鬆地使用本服務,例如記住您在購物車中的物品。此外,我們使用 cookies 收集與服務使用情況有關的統計資訊,以便持續改進相關設計和功能並瞭解個人如何使用本服務,同時解決與服務所有有關的問題。Cookies 允許我們選擇特定廣告,或提供對您最有吸引力的廣告,並 在您造訪網站時顯示它們。我們亦可能在線上廣告中使用 cookies,以追蹤消費者對我們廣告的回應。

You can refuse to accept these cookies by following your browser’s instructions; however, if you do not accept them, you may experience some inconvenience in your use of the Service. You may also not receive advertising or other offers from us that are relevant to your interests and needs. To learn more about cookies, please visit

您可以按照瀏覽器的說明拒絕接受這些 cookies;但是,如果您未接受,您可能在使用本服務時遭遇某些不便。您亦可不接收廣告或我們提供的與您的興趣和需求有關的其他資訊。如 欲瞭解 cookies 詳細資訊,請造訪

Using Flash cookies:  Our use of Adobe Flash technology (including Flash Local Stored Objects (“Flash LSOs”)) allows us to, among other things, serve you with more tailored information, facilitate your ongoing access to and use of the Service, and collect and store information about your use of the Service. If you do not want Flash LSOs stored on your computer, you can adjust the settings of your Flash player to block Flash LSO storage using the tools contained in the Website Storage Settings Panel. You can also control Flash LSOs by going to the Global Storage Settings Panel and following the instructions. Please note that setting the Flash Player to restrict or limit acceptance of Flash LSOs may reduce or impede the functionality of some Flash applications.

使用 Flash cookies:使用 Adobe Flash 技術[包括 Flash 本地存儲對象(「Flash LSO」)],我們可以為您提供自訂程度更高的資訊,幫助您持續造訪並使用網站,收集和儲存與您使用本服務的有關資訊。如果您不希望將 Flash LSO 儲存在您的電腦上,您可以使用網站儲存設置面 中包含的工具,調整 Flash 播放器的設定,從而阻止 Flash LSO 儲存。您亦可透過進入全局儲存設置面板,並根據提示控制 Flash LSO。請注意,將 Flash 播放器設定為限定或限制接受 Flash LSO 可能減少或影響某些 Flash 應用程式的功能。

Using pixel tags, web beacons, clear GIFs, or other similar technologies: These may be used in connection with some Service pages and HTML-formatted e-mail messages to, among other things, track the actions of users and e-mail recipients, measure the success of our marketing campaigns, and compile statistics about Service usage.

使用像素標籤、網站信標、透明 GIF,或其他類似技術:這些技術可能用於連接本服務特定頁面及 HTML 格式電郵訊息,以追蹤網站使用者及電郵接收人的活動、衡量我們的行銷活 動之成效,以及統計服務使用率。

Internet-based advertising: We may use third-party advertising companies to serve advertisements regarding goods and services that may be of interest to you when you access and use the Service and other online services, based on information relating to your access to and use of the Service and other online services on any of your devices.  To do so, these companies may place or recognize a unique cookie on your browser (including through the use of pixel tags).  They may also use these technologies, along with information they collect about your online use, to recognize you across the devices you use, such as a mobile phone and a laptop.  


If you would like more information about this practice, and to learn how to opt out of it in desktop and mobile browsers on the particular device on which you are accessing this Privacy Policy, please visit and  You may download the AppChoices app at to opt out in mobile apps. 

如果您想要瞭解此運作方式更多或避免桌面或手機瀏覽器等使用裝置資訊被蒐集,您可以造訪。您亦可從下載AppChoices app,避免手機應用程式被蒐集。

IP Address: Your IP Address is a number that is automatically assigned to the computer that you are using by your Internet Service Provider. An IP Address is identified and logged automatically in our server log files whenever a user visits the Service, along with the time of the visit and the page(s) that were visited. Collecting IP Addresses is standard practice and is done automatically by many online services. We use IP Addresses for purposes such as calculating Service usage levels, diagnosing server problems, and administering the Service.  We may also derive your approximate location from your IP address.

IP 地址:您的 IP 地址是網際網路服務提供商自動分配至您正在使用的電腦的代碼。一旦使用者瀏覽本服務,其伺服器記錄檔將自動識別及記錄 IP 地址、造訪時間及所造訪的網頁。收集 IP 地址是網際網路的常規做法,許多網站將自動完成。我們將 IP 地址用於以下用途,如計算本服務的使用水平,幫助判斷伺服器問題並管理網站。我們也可能透過您的IP位址瞭解您的所在地。

Device Information: We may collect information about your mobile device, such as a unique device identifier, to understand how you use the Service.




We use and disclose information you provide to us as described to you at the point of collection.  Please see the section entitled “Choices and Access,” below, to learn how you may opt out of certain of our uses and disclosures.


Where required by applicable law, we will obtain your consent to our use of your personal information at the point of information collection.  We may also use information from or about you as necessary to perform a contract, to comply with a legal obligation (for example, due to our pharmacovigilance obligations), or for our legitimate business interests.  We may also rely on other legal bases, specifically for:


  • Providing the functionality of the Service and fulfilling your requests. 為提供本服務內容及滿足您的需求:

    • to provide the functionality of the Service to you and providing you with related customer service; 

    • 提供本服務功能及相關客戶服務予您;

    • to respond to your inquiries and fulfill your requests, such as to send you documents you request or e-mail alerts;

    • 回應您的詢問並滿足您的要求,例如向您發送您索取的檔案或電子郵件警示;

    • to send you important information regarding our relationship with you or regarding the Service, changes to our terms, conditions, and policies and/or other administrative information.

    • 向您發送與您或本服務有關的重要資訊,包括條款、條件及政策和/或其他管理資訊的變更。

We will engage in these activities to manage our contractual relationship with you and/or to comply with a legal obligation. 


  • Accomplishing our business purposes. 

  • 完成我們的商業目的

    • for data analysis, for example, to improve the efficiency of the Service;

    • 資料分析,例如,改善服務效率;

    • for audits, to verify that our internal processes function as intended and are compliant with legal, regulatory, or contractual requirements;

    • 稽核,以確保我們的內部流程機制與所預想的一致,且符合各式法規及契約要求;

    • for fraud and security monitoring purposes, for example, to detect and prevent cyberattacks or attempts to commit identity theft;

    • 出於詐欺及安全監視目的,例如,偵測並預防網絡攻擊及身分盜用;

    • for developing new products and services;

    • 為開發新產品及服務;

    • for enhancing, improving or modifying our website or products and services; 

    • 為強化、改善或修訂我們的網站、產品或服務;

    • for identifying Service usage trends, for example, understanding which parts of our Service are of most interest to users; and

    • 為辨識本服務使用趨勢,例如,了解我們服務的哪些部分對用戶最感興趣;和

    • for determining the effectiveness of our promotional campaigns, so that we can adapt our campaigns to the needs and interests of our users.

    • 確定我們宣傳活動的有效性,以便我們可以根據用戶的需求和興趣調整我們的宣傳活動。

We will engage in these activities to manage our contractual relationship with you, to comply with a legal obligation, and/or because we have a legitimate interest.


  • Analysis of Personal Information to provide personalized services. 分析個人資料以提供客制化服務

    • to better understand you, so that we can personalize our interactions with you and provide you with information and/or offers tailored to your interests;

    • 瞭解您更多、以便進一步客制化與您的互動並依照您的興趣提供資訊;

    • to better understand your preferences so that we can deliver content via the Service that we believe will be relevant and interesting to you.

    • 瞭解您更多、以便進一步透過本服務提供您我們認為您可能有興趣的服務。

We will provide personalized services either with your consent or because we have a legitimate interest. 我們將依據您的同意或在合法的法律基礎下提供您客制化的服務。

We also disclose information collected through the Service:


  • to our affiliates for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy. A list of our affiliates is available at (click on the link under the announcement made on August 03, 2023 for “FormS-4/A Registration Statement for securities to be issued in business combination transactions”. You may find the item “21.1 Subsidiaries of Kenvue Inc.*, which will guide you to Kenvue Inc. (Form: S-4, Received: 07/24/2023 06:41:31) (  ). Johnson & Johnson Consumer (Hong Kong) Limited. is the party responsible for the management of the jointly-used Personal Information;

為本隱私政策中所述之目的,向我們的關係企業揭露。關係企業列表可由此處獲取。Johnson & Johnson Consumer (Hong Kong) Limited是負責管理共同使用的個人資訊的一方;

  • to our third party partners with whom we offer a co-branded or co-marketed promotion;


  • to our third-party service providers who provide services such as website hosting and moderating, mobile application hosting, data analysis, payment processing, order fulfillment, infrastructure provision, IT services, customer service, e-mail and direct mail delivery services, auditing, and other services, in order to enable them to provide services; and

揭露給提供以下服務的第三方服務提供商:網站代管和調節、行動應用程式代管、數據分析、付款處理、訂單履行、基礎設施提供、資訊科技服務、客戶服務、電郵和直 郵遞送服務、、稽核,和其他服務,以便他們能夠提供此類服務;及

  • as permitted by applicable law, to a third party in the event of any reorganization, merger, sale, joint venture, assignment, transfer, or other disposition of all or any portion of our business, assets, or stock (including in connection with any bankruptcy or similar proceedings).


In addition, we may use and disclose your information as we believe to be necessary or appropriate: (a) to comply with legal process or applicable law, which may include laws outside your place  of residence; (b) as permitted by applicable law to respond to requests from public and government authorities, which may include authorities outside your place of residence; (c) to enforce our terms and conditions; and (d) to protect our rights, privacy, safety, or property, and/or that of our affiliates, you, or others. We may also use and disclose your information in other ways, after obtaining your consent to do so.

此外,我們可能使用和揭露您的資訊:(a) 為遵守法律規範或適用法(可能包含包括您居住地區以外的法律);(b)於適用法的允許下,響應公共及政府機構的要求,包括您居住地區以外的公共及政府機構;(c) 執行我們的條款及條件; (d) 保護我們和/或我們關係企業、您或他人的權利、隱私、安全或財產。在取得您的同意後,我們亦可能在您的同意下以其他方式使用和揭露您的資訊。

We may use and disclose information we collect automatically as described above, under “Automatic Information Collection and Use”.


In addition, where allowed by applicable law, we may use and disclose information that is not in personally identifiable form for any purpose. If we combine information that is not in personally identifiable form with information that is identifiable (such as combining your name with your geographical location), we will treat the combined information as personal information as long as it is combined.

此外, 我們可能使用和揭露不能識別個人身份的資訊,並將其用於任何目的。如果我們將不能識別個人身份的資訊與可識別個人身份的資訊進行合併(例如合併您的姓名和地理位置),我們將在資訊合併時將其作為個人資訊進行處理。



Your choices regarding our use and disclosure of your personal information


We give you choices regarding our use and disclosure of your personal information for marketing purposes. You may opt out from:


  • Receiving marketing communications from us: If you no longer want to receive marketing communications from us on a going-forward basis, you may opt out of receiving them by contacting us via consumer-hk@kenvue.comIn your request to us, please provide your name, identify the form(s) of marketing communications that you no longer wish to receive, and include the address(es) to which it/they are sent.  For example, if you no longer wish to receive marketing e-mails or direct mail from us, tell us that, and provide your name and e- mail or postal address. You may also opt out of receiving marketing communications from us by visiting the Service to update your online profile. In addition, you may opt out of receiving marketing e-mails from us by following the unsubscribe instructions provided in any such message.

  • 取消訂閱我們寄送的產品訊息:如果以後您不再想收到我們寄送的產品行銷資料,您可經由 consumer-hk@kenvue.com聯絡我們以進行取消。當您聯絡我們時,請提供您的姓名,確認您不想再接收的產品訊息,並提供這些產品行銷資料的寄送地址。例如,如果您不想再收到我們寄送產品行銷資料的電子郵件或實體廣告信函,請告知我們,並提供您的姓名和電子郵件信箱或寄送地址。您亦可透過本服務以更新您的線上設定檔來取消訂閱我們寄送的產品行銷資料。此外, 您可按照任何此類訊息中的取消說明,取消訂閱我們寄送的行銷電子郵件。

  • Receiving reminders from us: If you no longer want to receive medical reminders from us on a going-forward basis, you may opt out of receiving them by contacting us via sending an e-mail to In your response to us, please provide your name and the e-mail address or phone number at which you receive reminders from us.

  • 取消訂閱我們寄送的提醒:如果以後您不再想收到我們寄送的醫療提醒,您可經由透過email: 聯絡我們以進行取消。當您聯絡我們時,請提供您接收我們的提醒時使用的姓名和電子郵件信箱或電話號碼。

  • Our sharing of your personal information with affiliates and third-party partners: If you previously opted in to receiving marketing communications from our affiliates and/or third-party partners, you may opt out of our sharing of your personal information with those parties for their direct marketing purposes on a going-forward basis by contacting us via sending an e-mail to In your communication to us, please state that we should no longer share your personal information with our affiliates and/or third-party partners for their marketing purposes, and include your name and e-mail address.

  • 停止與關係企業和第三方合作夥伴分享您的個人資訊:如您先前已同意自我方關係企業或第三方接收行銷訊息,您可以選擇不再分享您的個人資訊予前述單位作為他們直接行銷目的使用,請透過email: 聯絡我們以進行取消。當您聯絡我們時,請聲明我們不應繼續與我們的關係企業和/或第三方合作夥伴分享您的個人資訊 用以行銷目的,並提供您的姓名和電子郵件信箱。

We will seek to comply with your request(s) as soon as reasonably practicable. Please note that if you opt out as described above, we may not be able to directly remove your personal information from the databases of our affiliates with which we have already shared your information (i.e., as of the date that we implement your opt-out request). However, we will make reasonable efforts to inform our affiliates of your request. Please also note that if you opt out of receiving marketing-related messages from us, we may still send you important transactional and administrative messages, from which you cannot opt out.


How you can access, change, or delete your personal information


If you would like to review, correct, update, or delete your personal information, or if you would like to request an electronic copy of your personal information for purposes of transmitting it to another company (to the extent these rights are provided to you by applicable law), please contact us via sending an e-mail with your request to  We will respond to your request as soon as reasonably practicable and no later than one month after receipt. If circumstances cause any delay in our response, you will be promptly notified and provided a date for our response.  You may also visit the Service to update your online profile.

如果您想要查閱、更正、更新或刪除您經由網站提供的個人資訊,或請求電子拷貝本以傳送您的個人資訊予其他公司(在何法的前提下),請經由 聯絡我們。我們將在合理可行的範圍內儘快努力滿足您的要求,最遲不超過1個月。如果因任何情況導致遲延,您將會收到通知,並且我們將提供您預計回應日期。您也可以透過網站更新您的個人資訊。



Your personal information may be stored and processed in any location where we have facilities or service providers, and by using our Service or by providing consent to us (where required by law), your information may be transferred to locations outside of your place  of residence, including to the United States, which may provide for different data protection rules than in your place  of residence.  Nonetheless, appropriate contractual and other measures are in place to protect personal information when it is transferred to our affiliates or third parties in other locations.




We seek to use reasonable organizational, technical, and administrative measures designed to protect personal information under our control. However, no data transmission over the Internet or data storage system can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. If you have reason to believe that your interaction with us is no longer secure (for example, if you feel that the security of any account you have with us has been compromised), please immediately notify us in accordance with the “Contacting Us” section below.




We will retain your personal information for as long as needed or permitted in light of the purpose(s) for which it was obtained.  The criteria used to determine our retention periods include:  (i) the length of time we have an ongoing relationship with you and provide the Service to you; (ii) whether there is a legal obligation to which we are subject; and (iii) whether retention is advisable in light of our legal position (such as in regard to applicable statutes of limitations, litigation, or regulatory investigations).

根據所獲得的目的,我們會根據需要或允許保留您的個人資訊。用於決定我們的保留期限的標準包括:(i)我們與您保持持續關係並向您提供服務的時間長度; (ii)我們是否有法定義務; (iii)鑑於我們的法律地位(例如適用的法定時效,訴訟或監管調查)。



This Service may contain links to sites of third parties. This Privacy Policy does not address, and we are not responsible for, the privacy, information, or practices of any third parties, including any third party operating any site or online service (including, without limitation, any application) that is available through this Service or to which this Service contains a link. The availability of, or inclusion of a link to, any such site or property on the Service does not imply endorsement of it by us or by our affiliates.

本服務可能包含第三方網站的連結。本隱私權政策未涉及(並且我們概不負責)任何第三方[包括經營任何網站或網路資產(透過本網站存取或本網站含有連結)的任何第三方]的隱私、資訊或慣例(包括但不限於任何應用程 式)。我們或我們的關係企業並不認可任何此類網站或網站上的資產(或相關連結的內含物)的可用性。



Johnson & Johnson Consumer (Hong Kong) Limited., located at 12/F, Tower 1, Grand Century Place, 193 Prince Edward Rd. W., Kowloon, HK, is the company responsible for collection, use, and disclosure of personal information under this Privacy Policy.

Johnson & Johnson Consumer (Hong Kong) Limited位於香港九龍旺角太子道西193號新世紀廣場一座12樓,該公司係據此隱私權政策蒐集、使用及揭露您的個人資訊。

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us by either of the following methods:


Johnson & Johnson Consumer (Hong Kong) Limited


消費者服務專線電話:(852) 2628 9775

For Consumers and Professionals: please email us at or call us during office hour at (852) 2628 9775.

Or please write to the following address: 193 Prince Edward Road West, 12/F, Tower 1, Grand Century Place, Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong



We may change this Privacy Policy. Any changes to this Privacy Policy will become effective when we post the revised Privacy Policy on the Service.  Your use of the Service following these changes means that you accept the revised Privacy Policy.  We recommend that you regularly review the Privacy Policy when you visit the Service. This policy was last updated on 20th Sept 2023.
